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Chris Stevens Guitar Tuition
Chris Stevens Guitar Tuition



Each student is assessed on their own merits, wants and needs.
Individual programmes of learning are constructed in absolute partnership with the student, their parents/carers (if applicable) and myself to facilitate this objective.

Whether you're looking to excel in musical grades examinations, or participate in the exhiliration that is live musical performance, I'm confident that I can help you achieve your goals and ambitions.

Whether you're seeking to learn alone or with others, or record your musical performances for posterity, I'll be here to inspire, encourage, advise and help you every step of the way.

Please refer to my Fees section for tuition costs.


With regard all instruments that I teach, I strongly support the attainment of a progression of graded qualifications:

The above guitar grades, and their summative examinations, are devised by The Registry of Guitar Tutors and are administered in partnership with London College of Music Examinations, the qualifications finally awarded and certified by the University of West London. From Grade One onwards, RGT exams are accredited by Ofqual and have been placed on the National Qualifications Framework. From Grade Six onwards, RGT exams attract UCAS points towards university entrance.

Both the keyboards/piano and drums grades, and their summative examinations, are devised by RockSchool, the musical division of RSL (Rockschool Limited), with each qualification fully accredited by every UK regulatory body with UCAS points awarded at grade 6, 7 & 8.


When considering learning to play an instrument, arguably more important than the attainment of qualifications is the ability and confidence to perform - to play that instrument in front of an audience. Consequently, the ability to arrange songs for one voice and a guitar in such a way that they are not only well formed, developed and dynamically complete, but also engaging, entertaining and compulsive listening, is a skill well learned.
With this in mind, I consider one of the best baptisms to performance to be busking - ad-hoc street performance.
The levels of confidence, determination and self-assurance required to busk are quite substantial and an excellent way of introducing a person to the performance arena, as the audience is not static - they haven't come just to see you play!
Furthermore, the senses of excitment, achievement and enjoyment that are experienced from playing a street for the first time are exceptional - an indescribable buzz!
The photos below shows a few groups of my students strutting their funky stuff!

Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester
Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester
Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester
Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester
Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester
Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester
Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester
Students of Chris Stevens busking on the streets of Chester

Festival Performance!

Since 2016, I have been lucky enough to have been invited to put together groups of learners with a view to performing live!... on a stage!... at a festival!!
This was not an offer that needed presenting twice!
Consequently, in that first year, three groups each consisting of 5-6 individual music students, worked hard for almost 6 months to put together three different stage sets.
Four weeks before the festival they all met for the first time, and for the first time, played as bands!
Mid-June, they all went live.
The videos below give some small sense of that day, the group practices prior to the event and subsequent festival performances:

Words cannot fully describe, or explain, the strength of positive impact such an experience has on a young person... in so many different ways (not just musically) and on so many different levels.
Due to the resounding success of the event (in no small part as a result of the young musicians' exemplary performances and behaviour), this experience has continued on an annual basis.
It has also given rise to a monthly open-mic night for under 19's, accommodated at the Saughall scout hut on the first Saturday of every month over the winter. For more information on these events, please don't hesitate to contact me, or visit the "Saughall Music in the Park" website.


I am a very keen advocate of students not learning in isolation.
That is to say, if a student begins learning to play the guitar with a good friend that is also starting, the enjoyment and fulfilment can be markedly greater, not to mention reciprocal motivations and encouragement.
Indeed, when considering performance, crossing that bridge for the very first time with someone else is hugely more satisfying and easily overcome!

So, please consider: do you, or does your child, have a companion with whom learning to play guitar could be a joint experience?

Audio recording

Having experience and qualifications in sound engineering, I am able to offer digital recording possibilities to students - examples of which can be heard below:

Group: Three 9 year old students

Track title: "House of the Rising Sun"

Group: Two 10 year old students

Track title: "Little Talks"

Artist: "Emma" - student

Track title: "Lean on me"

Of course, this is not every student's idea of a good thing, although to listen to a recording of your own guitar playing can be quite enlightening!

Bookings and Cancellations

Any given, available lesson space only becomes filled upon agreement between myself and the student (or their parent/carer if applicable). Agreement may be settled either verbally, via text, messaging service, email or letter. Until that lesson time has been absolutely confirmed (booked), it remains available to any other student enquiry.

If, for any reason, a lesson cannot be attended, it is the responsibility of the student (or their parent/carer if applicable) to inform me of the lesson cancellation. Earlier, rather than later, is appreciated; allowing me as much time as possible to re-schedule.

If a cancellation, for any reason whatsoever, occurs less than 48 hours before the lesson is due, a cancellation fee of £20 will be charged.


45 minutes for an individual £22
45 minutes for a couple £12.50 each